Rabbi David A. Teutsch, PhD, has been a builder of religious community since becoming a congregational rabbi thirty years ago. He is the Wiener Professor of Contemporary Jewish Civilization and director of the Levin-Lieber Program in Jewish Ethics at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC) in Philadelphia. He served as the president of RRC for nearly a decade. The editor-in-chief of the groundbreaking Kol Haneshamah prayerbook series, he has also authored and edited several other books and dozens of articles, including Spiritual Community: The Power to Restore Hope, Commitment and Joy. He is a cofounder of the National Havurah Committee and former executive director of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation.
Rabbi David A. Teutsch, PhD, is available to speak on the following topics:

• Rethinking Jewish Sex Ethics

• Reinvigorating Community and Spirituality: A Challenge for the Contemporary Jewish Congregation

• Jewish Speech Ethics: A Path to Strengthening Relationships, Building Trust and Improving Your World

• Filling the Gap between the New York Times and the Halakha: A Liberal Perspective on Judaism as a Way of Life

• Judaism as a Civilization: Understanding Reconstructionist Judaism

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