A window into the Jewish soul—written
especially for Christians.
“I invite you to explore with me
some of the rich and varied expressions of the Jewish spiritual
imagination. It is a tradition that may at times, for
Christians, feel strangely familiar and will, for Christians
and Jews, always challenge you to see yourself and your world
through a new lens.”
—from the Introduction
Jewish spirituality is an approach to life
that encourages us to become aware of God’s presence and
purpose, even in unlikely places. “This world and
everything in it is a manifestation of God’s
presence,” says Rabbi Lawrence Kushner. “Our
challenge and goal is to find it and then act in such a way as
to help others find it too.”
In this special book, Kushner guides
Christians through the rich wisdom of Jewish spirituality. He
tailors his unique style to address Christians’
questions, and, in doing so, opens new windows on their own
Jewish Spirituality is a window into the Jewish soul that people of all
faiths can understand and enjoy. From the Talmud and Torah, to
“repentence” (teshuva) and “repairing the world” (tikkun olam),
Kushner shows all of us how we can use the fundamentals of
Jewish spirituality to enrich our own lives.
“Kushner has taught me more about
God and my own Christianity than any other teacher I have
Robert G. Trache, Rector, Immanuel
“Eminently readable … his
ministry transcends all faiths while deeply rooted in his
Gomes, Pusey Minister in The
Memorial Church, Harvard University
“Explains complex ideas simply, plainly, and succinctly.... Anyone interested in learning about Jewish spirituality will enjoy this introduction.”
—Library Journal
“We have another Buber here, a
Heschel … Kushner expresses the truly profound with joy,
lightness and humor.”
M. Basil Pennington, OCSO, Abbot of
the Trappist Monastery of the Holy Spirit
“Rabbi Lawrence Kushner has a rare
gift: He has unusual insight and the unusual ability to make
them clear to others. His contribution to contemporary
spirituality in the best of the Jewish tradition nurtures the
soul in all of us. I read his work to understand my own roots
—Joan D.
Chittister, author of The Story of Ruth: Twelve Moments in Every
Woman’s Life and other