Rebalancing the Roles in Caregiving So All
Involved Are Supported
“When you care for someone who is
dealing with the complexities of aging, illness, or disability,
you share intense emotions and form deep bonds. You each have
the opportunity to recognize what is most deeply
human—and most deeply Divine—in the other. This
sense of reciprocal sharing—between the caregiver, care
receiver, and with others around you—is the essence of
the dance in caresharing.”
—from the
The word caregiver typically suggests someone doing all the
giving for a frail, physically or mentally challenged, or aging
person who is doing all the receiving. Marty Richards proposes
a rebalanced approach of “caresharing.” From this
perspective, the “cared for” and the
“carer” share a deep sense of connection. Each has
strengths and resources. Each can teach the other. Each can
share in grief, hope, love and wisdom.
Richards shows you how to move from
independent caregiving to interdependent caregiving by engaging the spiritual
and emotional aspects of caring for a loved one. Whether you
are a daughter or son, a husband or wife, a sibling, long-term
partner or good friend, Caresharing offers a multilayered, reciprocal process
that will help you keep your spirit—and your loved
one’s spirit—alive in challenging times.
Sharing Wisdom: What the Frail
Teach the Well
Sharing Roles: Reinventing Family
Roles in Sharing Care
Sharing “Soul to Soul”:
A Special Relationship with People with Dementia
Sharing Grief: Dealing with the
Little Losses and the Big Ones
Sharing Forgiveness: A Key
Spiritual Journey
Sharing Hope and Heart: An Active
Process One Step at a Time
“Opens up a world of possibilities
of ways to ‘share’ the caring experience and
provides a detailed path to support people on their own
Gwen Brandfass, chair, Forum on
Religion, Spirituality and Aging
(a constituent group of
the American Society on Aging)
“Offers precious wisdom and
comfort.... Points the way for caregiver and care receiver to
learn, grow, heal and thrive amidst soul-searing
Dayle A. Friedman, director, Hiddur:
The Center for Aging and Judaism, Reconstructionist Rabbinical
College; author, Jewish Visions for
A Professional Guide for Fostering Wholeness
“The perfect handbook for anyone
called to give or receive care. Brims with wise counsel,
inspiring stories, and practical resources. Offers a fresh and
hopeful vision of mutual relationships to help us realize this
graced togetherness.”
Fischer, PhD, author, Winter Grace: Spirituality and Aging
“A creative and vital new approach
to caring. Provides an honest, down-to-earth approach to the
emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the caregiver and
the care receiver. A great blessing and benefit to all persons
involved in caring relationships.”
Richard H. Gentzler, Jr., director,
Center on Aging and Older Adult Ministries,
The United
Methodist Church
“Nothing less than masterful.
Richards’ concrete and profound perspective on hope and
how hope affects caresharing is a wonderful addition to
existing literature on caregiving and care receiving. Needs to
be read by every caregiver and care receiver as well as their
families and friends.”
Donald Koepke, director
emeritus, California Lutheran Homes Center
for Spirituality
and Aging
“Gently but thoroughly confronts the
myth of independence. We are in this life together. A must read
for all pastors and parish life directors.”
James P. Oberle, S.S., PhD, director,
Holy Spirit Center, Anchorage, Alaska
“An inspiration to many of us in the
field of Alzheimer’s care. Touches the spirit in all of
us, teaches and inspires. Highly recommended.”
Troxel, coauthor, The Best Friends Approach to Alzheimer’s